College Name : B.S.M. (P.G.) College, Roorkee
Course Name : Bachelor of Arts
Semester : 1
College_code=301 Course Code =120 semester =1
S.No. Paper Name Total Students General General_Female OBC OBC_Female SC SC_Female ST ST_Female Pass Fail Pass%
1संस्कृत काव्य 28 0 0 12 5 16 9 0 0 23 5 82.14
2हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य (क) 560 81 35 253 105 226 122 0 0 470 90 83.93
3हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास 171 19 6 69 21 83 35 0 0 139 32 81.29
4हिन्दी का व्यावहारिक व्याकरण शास्त्र 424 40 10 196 73 188 99 0 0 377 47 88.92
5Drawing and Painting (Fundamentals of Visual Art Practical) 31 5 3 16 11 10 6 0 0 30 1 96.77
6Drawing and Painting (Fundamentals of Visual Art) 31 5 3 16 11 10 6 0 0 29 2 93.55
7Economics (Principles of Micro Economics-I) 150 25 7 74 36 51 26 0 0 117 33 78
8English Communication 135 40 25 57 32 38 23 0 0 119 16 88.15
9English Language 1 598 85 37 275 111 238 125 0 0 471 127 78.76
10English Literature-1 172 39 22 83 45 50 34 0 0 140 32 81.4
11Environmental Science 598 85 37 275 111 238 125 0 0 527 71 88.13
12Geography (Geography Practical-I) 50 9 5 23 6 18 11 0 0 48 2 96
13Geography (Physical Geography) 50 9 5 23 6 18 11 0 0 47 3 94
14History (History of India from the Earliest Times up to 300 CE) 144 27 8 68 10 49 12 0 0 116 28 80.56
15Home Science (Family Resource Management and Interior Decoration) 21 4 4 13 13 4 4 0 0 20 1 95.24
16Home Science (Family resource management and interior decoration Lab) 21 4 4 13 13 4 4 0 0 21 0 100
17Political Science (Introduction to Political Theory) 231 25 11 108 34 98 56 0 0 198 33 85.71
18Sociology (Introduction to Sociology) 197 17 8 83 41 97 57 0 0 147 50 74.62