College Name : S.M.J.N. (P.G.) College, Hardwar
Course Name : Bachelor of Science
Semester : 4
College_code=325 Course Code =140 semester =4
S.No. Paper Name Total Students Pass Fail Pass%
1Basic Analytical Chemistry 80 80 0 100
2Botany (Plant Physiology and Metabolism) 30 28 2 93.33
3Botany (Plant Physiology and Metabolism)-Lab 30 30 0 100
4Chemistry (Coordination chemistry, States of Matter & Chemical Kinetics) 80 68 12 85
5Chemistry (Coordination chemistry, States of Matter & Chemical Kinetics) Lab 80 80 0 100
6Electronics-I(Network Theorems, Solid State Devices, Rectifiers and Filters 50 50 0 100
7Integral Calculus 51 50 1 98.04
8Mathematics (Algebra) 50 50 0 100
9Physics (Waves and Optics) 50 44 6 88
10Physics (Waves and Optics) Lab 50 49 1 98
11Plant Diversity and Human Welfare 30 30 0 100
12Public Health and Hygiene 26 26 0 100
13Vector Calculus 50 48 2 96
14Zoology (Genetics and Evolutionary Biology) 30 30 0 100
15Zoology (Genetics and Evolutionary Biology) Lab 30 30 0 100