College Name : B.C.C. Srinagar Garhwal
Course Name : Bachelor of Physical Education
Semester : 4
College_code=134 Course Code =107 semester =4
S.No. Paper Name Total Students Pass Fail Pass%
1Kinesiology and Biomechanics 30 30 0 100
2Measurement and Evaluation 30 30 0 100
3Research and Statistics in Physical Education 30 30 0 100
4Sports Management 30 30 0 100
5Sports Specialization: Skill (Lessons) 30 30 0 100
6Sports Specialization: Skill proficiency (Athletics) 12 12 0 100
7Sports Specialization: Skill proficiency (Basketball) 6 6 0 100
8Sports Specialization: Skill proficiency (Cricket) 2 2 0 100
9Sports Specialization: Skill proficiency (Football) 5 5 0 100
10Sports Specialization: Skill proficiency (Hockey) 2 2 0 100
11Sports Specialization: Skill proficiency (Volleyball) 3 3 0 100
12Sports Specialization: Tactics and training (5 Lessons) 30 30 0 100
13Sports Specialization: Tactics and training (Athletics) 12 12 0 100
14Sports Specialization: Tactics and training (Basketball) 6 6 0 100
15Sports Specialization: Tactics and training (Cricket) 2 2 0 100
16Sports Specialization: Tactics and training (Football) 5 5 0 100
17Sports Specialization: Tactics and training (Hockey) 2 2 0 100
18Sports Specialization: Tactics and training (Volleyball) 3 3 0 100